Tuesday, April 15, 2008

$80,000 Gargoyles

I was thinking about the Gargoyles cartoon series earlier and then I happened to stumble upon this article on Oddnews.org.
I don't think Goliath would care that much. He's too busy trying to save Manhatten from...stuff.

Here's an excerpt from the article:

"A British man is stuck with nearly $80,000 in legal costs after a neighbor opposed two gargoyles he installed on his roof, his attorney says.

Alan Comer, 50, was taken to court over his gargoyles after a neighbor, Mark Goodman, complained they could tumble off the roof of Comer's Teignmouth, England, home, the Daily Mail reported."

Those are some expensive Gargoyles.

Keeping with the subject of gargoyles, there's a bar somewhere in the world with these urinals in its washroom, apparently.
Yeah, this is what nightmares are made of.

(Via Darkcreek.com)

Anyway, back to the cartoon series.

I didn't realize that a game based on the series was released for the Sega Genesis sometime in the 90's. Well, I may have noticed back then but I certainly don't remember now so it's news to me. I may have to try to find that someday.

I actually had a Goliath poster over my bed for most of my teen years. I'd say it was sort of embarrassing but that poster kicked ass. I'm not really sure what effect staring up at Goliath's loincloth daily for almost a decade had on me though. It wasn't intentional, I assure you. It was just always there. Right above my head.

This is reminding me of the time I was reminiscing about the series and decided to look up some information about it a couple years ago and happened upon some racy Gargoyles fan fiction. Yergh.
If you're here looking for Gargoyles fan fiction you won't find any, I'm deeply sorry.
...I'm going to wash my brain out with soap now.

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