Here are a few of the most interesting flasks I've come across.
This pirate flask is the perfect thing to keep your grog in. Or orange juice to prevent scurvy (thanks for that insight, Casey).
The "meh." flask from thinkgeek has to be on this list.
I love this target flask. Kind of reminds me of Tank Girl.
(Via Retro To Go)
This is actually the flask that inspired me to make this post. It's beautiful in its simplicity.
(Via Better Living Through Design)
You can have your initials engraved on this huge flask in case someone steals it and you need to identify it at your local pawn shop.
It'd take one hell of a pickpocket to steal it in the first place though.
(Via Geekologie)
This porthole flask is pretty cool and you can see the contents through the front. Almost steampunk? Yeah, it's getting there.
This Don Ed Hardy Koi flask is gorgeous. It's a tattoo design on leather over a chrome flask. I do believe it also comes in light blue and tan as well.
Very Nice!
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