Friday, April 18, 2008

Knuckle Tattoo Generator

Get your own (not quite real) knuckle tattoos with this knuckle tattoo generator.
There are a lot of interesting 8 letter words out there so, go nuts!
Top 4 that Casey and I came up with:
1. (shown above)
2. Occupant
3. Declawed
4. Janitor (There are a lot of ways a janitor could lose a finger. "Janitors" just doesn't have the same ring to it. This actually prompted a discussion about finger injuries and speculation about what the most commonly amputated finger is...our conclusion was the index finger but I can't find anything to confirm that it's true.)

Honorable Mentions:
Dumpling, Doorstop, Crookery, Fidgeter, Goldfish

Oh, and here's the real knuckle tattoos site that generator comes from where they post a lot of knuckle tattoo pictures with the stories behind them. (Pictured below is one of my favorites.)


  1. Knuckle tattos FTW. I think I need to get some for real.

  2. Sweeeeet! Hey, that has 8 letters. [Disclaimer: I don't recommend that anyone should get "Sweeeeet" tattooed on their knuckles.]
