Monday, August 18, 2008

I Love Your Blog Award

I received this award from the creator of a blog that I adore! Thank you so much, Zakka Life. I'm thrilled and flattered.

I'm giving this award to (in no particular order):

1. Lottery Girl
2. Endangered Truth
3. This Makes My Day
4. Fusion Through Design
5. Coin of the Day
6. The Great Red Hope
7. Nothin But Nett

To the award recipients and Zakka Life:
Thank you for making the blogs that I love so much.

Now, the rules of this award seem to be that if you receive this award you have to post 7 facts about yourself, name 7 other blogs to pass the award to and credit the person you received the award from. I'm not really a stickler for rules so you can go ahead and do those things if you like (and it would be great if you did)... OR you can just take away the warm feeling that I hope you get from receiving this award, cuddle it close and say "WOW, someone really loves my blog!".

Since I'm playing I guess I should fulfill the other end of my obligation.

Facts about me:

1. I made granola yesterday!

I used the recipe found here. I did add a wee bit of cinnamon and vanilla for added flavor.
2. I ate some of that granola for breakfast.
3. I recently dug out my SNES and I've been playing The Addam's Family. I forgot how much fun this game was/is.
4. I bought a bunch of supplies for making artistic bento box lunches a while ago and have yet to use them to make a single one. That's a huge shame!
5. I'm almost finished watching the last season of The West Wing. I've been watching the series for so long that I've gotten used to having it available whenever I want to watch something new (to me).
6. I watch a lot of cartoons while I'm doing things online. Actually, I hardly ever look up from what I'm doing so I should say that I listen to a lot of cartoons (and sometimes CNN).
7. I've been listening to this song almost all day long. This one is also quite good.

So, there you have it. Thanks again for the award, Zakka Life! This was a lot of fun. :)


zakkalife said...

Did the same thing as you for number four. Now I need to figure out what to actually make. I'll be looking out for some bento pictures on your site.

Toxiferous said...

Ack! It might take a while for mine.
I'll definitely be on the lookout for yours too!
At least now that I've mentioned it I'll have some extra incentive to actually do it. :)

Netter said...

OK, you are not going to believe this. I was looking at some random site and someone had this award and I got all bitter and grouchy. I sat there complaining to myself that nobody ever gave me an award. Then, I start going back through some of the blogs I marked to add to my bloglines and I come across yours again...and THIS post.

See, if I would have been keeping better track of the blogs I like, I would have noticed this a long time ago and I wouldn't have had to mumble to myself and act like a two year old.

Thanks for the award by the way!

Toxiferous said...

I'm glad you found the post! You're very welcome for the award and thank you for all the lovely comments. Thank you for signing up for my september mini button giveaway too!

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