Saturday, April 18, 2009

Announcing My New(ish) Zazzle Shop!

I've been working on a Zazzle shop for a while and it's finally time to announce it! You'll be able to find all of my lastest designs there! Woohoo!

Here it is in all of its glory!:*

You may be asking yourself "What's great about Zazzle?"...or you may be asking yourself if you should have eaten that last piece of pie...the answer is yes because pie is ALWAYS right.
Uhh, but I digress.

Cool Things about Zazzle:

1) They accept Paypal. This is a must in this day and age and I appreciate their adoption of this.

2) They allow me to make Ties, Customizable Business Cards, Postage Stamps (US only though, unfortunately) and even Keds Shoes!

3) Zazzle is just generally darned awesome.

So, there you have it. Click the image below to visit the Toxiferous Designs Zazzle Site to scope out the new duds and stuff and have yourself a mighty, mighty nice day!


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Blog design by and Toxiferous Designs. and Cafepress are my fulfillment company partners and I may earn a commission on any products sold through those links.
I'm an Amazon associate and may earn a commission from any sales through Amazon links.